Joint PhD project aimed at developing Glycoengineered viral particles as a Platform Technology for Glycoconjugate Vaccines, Immune Modulators and Antivirals

In the framework of an ongoing collaboration between Gaiker and CIC biomaGUNE research centers we offer a fully funded 3-year PhD project focused on the development of glycoengineered viral particles and their validation as conjugate vaccines, immune modulators or antivirals.

A research project with training in carbohydrate synthesis, bioconjugation techniques and protein expression is offered. The aim of the project is to develop tunable and functionalized viral particles with potential application as glyconjugates vaccines, modulators of immune response e.g. in autoimmune disease and cancer or potent antivirals by inhibiting cell surface attachment and hence infection of viral pathogens. The PhD will be carried out between the Biotechnology group of Gaiker, located in Zamudio, Bizkay and the Glycotechnology group at CIC biomaGUNE in San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa, respectively. Supervision will be provided by the two project PIs and senior support staff and research progress revised.

Required Education Level:

Bs in Chemistry and Msc in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, or Biotechnology

Required Skills/Qualifications:

Previous experience in research organic synthesis, bioconjugation techniques and/or protein expression desirable

Good level of spoken and written English language


Predoctoral contract with a duration of 3 years. The candidate will be contracted by CIC biomaGUNE for the first 18 months, and by Gaiker for the last 18 months.

Informal Inquiries:

Informal requests for additional information can be sent to Niels Reichardt at

Applications sent directly to the emails listed above will be NOT be accepted.

Equal opportunities Policy:

CIC biomaGUNE is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to: age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other classification protected by European, national, or local law.

How to apply:

Introductory Workshop in Biomedical Glycoscience-Registration now open

Registration is now open for our introductory workshop/summer school in Biomedical Glycoscience in San Sebastian during 3-5th of June 2019.

This workshop will provide scholarly seminars from leading experts on glycosylation and cancer, immune therapy, glycoconjugate vaccine design and antimicrobial resistance and technologies important for analyzing glycan structure and carbohydrate-protein interactions.

At the same time the 2,5 day workshop will provide a forum for participants to present their own research via poster and oral presentations and foster new collaborations with international colleagues.

for details, registration and abstract submission please visit the workshop website

Glycobasque II meeting, 22nd March, 2019


After the success of the inaugural meeting of glycoscientists working in the basque country in 2017 this year we will celebrate the second Glycobasque meeting with participation of 2 external invited speakers and a growing number of local research groups interested in glycoscience. The informal 1-day meeting with keynote talks from Nico Caellewart, U Ghent,  Bruno Linclau, University of Southampton and several local speakers is jointly organized by Jesus Jimenez-barbero and Niels Reichardt and will be held at CIC bioGUNE on March 22nd, 2019. Scientist interested in attending please write or

Thesis defense Anna Cioce


On the 1st of February, 2019 Glycotechnology lab PhD student and Immunoshape fellow Anna Cioce defended her thesis titled “Synthesis of N-glycan mimetics and their evaluation as C-type lectin receptor (CLR) antagonists using microarray technology” at the faculty of Chemistry, University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian obtaining the highest mark. In the audience members of the Glycotechnology group, investigators from the department of organic chemistry of the UPV, the Asparia Glycomics team and the members of the group of Jesus Jesus Jimenez-Barbero, CIC bioGUNE.

Congratulations Anna! Thanks to the excellent jury members Prof. Sabine Flitsch, University of Manchester, Prof. Mikel Oiarbide, University of the Basque Country and Dr. Javier Rojo, IIQ-CSIC, Seville

Meeting of the RSEQ Carbohydrate Group in Seville

On the 26th of November the Carbohydrate Group of the Spanish Royal Society of  Chemistry invited the Spanish carbohydrate chemistry community to a one day symposium to which Niels Reichardt had the honor of being invited to give a talk on microarrays in glycoscience. The title of the talk was Insights and Lessons  from Microarray Experiments on the Glycan binding Specificities of Immune Receptors.

Invited lectures were given from left to right by Noureddine Khiar, IIQ Seville; Niels Reichardt, CIC biomaGUNE, Matthew Gibson, U Warwick, UK, Madrid, Laura Masgrau, UAB, Barcelona and Francisco Plou, ICP


Immunoshape conference in July

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During 2.5 days (10-13.07.2018) we hosted nearly 80 international scientists for our Immunoshape conference on Glycoimmunology at Miramon Science and Technology park in San Sebastian. An exciting scientific program around host-pathogen interactions, lectins as therapeutic targets or glycan based immune therapies, ample time for networking and scientific discussions together with good food and the breathtaking panorama of San Sebastian in summer made this small conference a full success. To be repeated soon!